Newest Artworks Each of these artworks were created since 2020 as I was dealing with cancer limitations of isolation, then the covid lock downs. In living through the challenges of the days, artworks come in ways that I cannot explain, but it is the way I communicate and find hope. All the elements are authentic to lives well lived. oh oh oh come quickly 12/2022- 2/2023 Advent - Epiphany 11 x 9 x 5” $3,000 9fa6e712-48f9-4fad-95c0-e8e522525f67 <div style="padding: 0px; " class="style_External_0_0"><div class="style_1"><p style="padding-top: 0pt; " class="paragraph_style_2">oh oh oh come quickly<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_4">12/2022- 2/2023 Advent - Epiphany<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_4">11 x 9 x 5”  $3,000<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_4"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_5"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_5"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p></div></div> Time captured moments, time on time, on time. tolling of bells & chimes. spoons that fed turning levers, wine barrel bands & handles that once served well. containers poured out, lids off. a containers of vision, times, plays out. poetic metaphor. f79dd2cf-9d28-43ef-b612-d374e320a75f <div style="padding: 0px; " class="style_External_0_0"><div class="style_1"><p style="padding-top: 0pt; " class="paragraph_style_6">Time captured moments, time on time, <br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6">on time. tolling of bells &amp; chimes.<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6">spoons that fed turning levers,<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6">wine barrel bands &amp; handles that once served well.<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6">containers poured out, lids off.<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6">a containers of vision, times, plays out.<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6">poetic metaphor.<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6"><br/></p></div></div> Wall mount assemblage found objects gathered from a century of family & friends’ belongings, with suspended spoon. Accepting life’s alerts and boundaries, within the foundation of “come & see.” John 1:46-48 13012615-804b-4b00-93ca-ed54722b1794 <div style="padding: 0px; " class="style_External_0_0"><div class="style_1"><p style="padding-top: 0pt; " class="paragraph_style_7">Wall mount assemblage found objects gathered from a century of family &amp; friends’ belongings, with suspended spoon. <br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_7">Accepting life’s alerts and boundaries, within the foundation of “come &amp; see.”<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_7">John 1:46-48<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_7"><br/></p></div></div>
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<title>Newest Artworks</title>
<description>Each of these artworks were created since 2020 as I was dealing with cancer limitations of isolation, then the covid lock downs. In living through the challenges of the days, artworks come in ways that I cannot explain, but it is the way I communicate and find hope. All the elements are authentic to lives well lived.</description>
<title>oh oh oh come quickly 12/2022- 2/2023 Advent - Epiphany 11 x 9 x 5” $3,000 </title>
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<iweb:richTitle><div style="padding: 0px; " class="style_External_0_0"><div class="style_1"><p style="padding-top: 0pt; " class="paragraph_style_2">oh oh oh come quickly<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_4">12/2022- 2/2023 Advent - Epiphany<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_4">11 x 9 x 5”  $3,000<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_4"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_5"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_5"><br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_3"><br/></p></div></div></iweb:richTitle>
<title>Time captured moments, time on time, on time. tolling of bells & chimes. spoons that fed turning levers, wine barrel bands & handles that once served well. containers poured out, lids off. a containers of vision, times, plays out. poetic metaphor. </title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">f79dd2cf-9d28-43ef-b612-d374e320a75f</guid>
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<iweb:richTitle><div style="padding: 0px; " class="style_External_0_0"><div class="style_1"><p style="padding-top: 0pt; " class="paragraph_style_6">Time captured moments, time on time, <br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6">on time. tolling of bells &amp; chimes.<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6">spoons that fed turning levers,<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6">wine barrel bands &amp; handles that once served well.<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6">containers poured out, lids off.<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6">a containers of vision, times, plays out.<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6">poetic metaphor.<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_6"><br/></p></div></div></iweb:richTitle>
<title>Wall mount assemblage found objects gathered from a century of family & friends’ belongings, with suspended spoon. Accepting life’s alerts and boundaries, within the foundation of “come & see.” John 1:46-48 </title>
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<iweb:richTitle><div style="padding: 0px; " class="style_External_0_0"><div class="style_1"><p style="padding-top: 0pt; " class="paragraph_style_7">Wall mount assemblage found objects gathered from a century of family &amp; friends’ belongings, with suspended spoon. <br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_7">Accepting life’s alerts and boundaries, within the foundation of “come &amp; see.”<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_7">John 1:46-48<br/></p><p class="paragraph_style_7"><br/></p></div></div></iweb:richTitle>